Nerdy Me!

Hey ! Good days to you!

Welcome to my . You've stuck in my unprivate diary. Be nice here or i call My Superman kill you!.

Status : berserk-ing! grrr~ haha

beautifulest (kwangsoo, 2014)

unless you wanna be a slut/slapper,
it's okay not to be beautiful, skinny, hot and what not. all you need is one little fella so call brain :) brainy rock! peace yaw!


love your sibling


macam tak ada kaitan je kan gambar tomyam dengan aku punya title. haaahahaha. hazabedah punya orang. siapa kata tak ada kaitan. personally, aku rasa sibling punya relationship ni macam nak masak tomyam. tak cukup satu spice satu benda pon contoh macam serai ke apa ke confirm tomyam korang al cacat la rasanya. kita perlukan semua barang tu baru la sedap terangkat bontot!! macam benda lain macam lauk-lauk yg kita tambah tu macam penambah perasa, asam garam pahit manis dalam kehidupan. and seriously aku sayangggggg sangat sangat family aku sibling aku. motif entry ni is aku bosan tunggu abang aku datang ambil lambat daa. hazabedah punya abg. haaha. k bye! :)

menses and berserk
imagegirl + menses + berserk  = item.
so true LOL.
for boys out there, if your girlfriends suddenly bad-mooding on every single thing trust me, menses is the one to be blame not your girlfriend. i do that like a lots. hahaha. i pick a fight and then i tell him its the menses not me :D short update! bye!

**btw this is baby or so call aby, marble bangle :)

Bagi Duit Dekat Mak, Patut Ke?
ehhh, tengok tajuk orang Melayu rupanya. haha. bajet je speaking. lepas gian kononnya :D assalamualaikum <3 okay(i used okay like a lot, forgive me for that :P and u guys should really get used with that), berbalik kepada title of this post "BAGI DUIT DEKAT MAK, PATUT KE?" actually it is suppose to be MAK AYAH, but in my case just ignore him :D and the DUIT refer tu duit gaji korang la, tak kan duit masa korang tengah belajar kenn. okay, secara ringkasnya i just graduated in Diploma in ******** ****** from **** and now i'm working as a *** ********, sementara tunggu nak masuk for degree this September. dapat la duit sikit. and for that question my answer would be, YES! patut sangat-sangat! parent kita dah habis banyak duit untuk besarkan kita bagi makan kita, tak kira lagi duit masa dekat u tu. beribu-ribu. please appreciate our parent! sebenarnya apa yang aku nak story hari ni is how is it feel when we(we! *emphasize sikit) as a children boleh bagi duit dekat mak kita. 28th June 2014 first dapat gaji kerja yang guna Diploma. sebelum ni kerja as a cashier je tu pun sekali je, tak sempat pun bagi kat mak :( haa, dapat je gaji terus belanja mak and sibling KFC, tak banyak pon. happy tengok diaorang makan hasil kerja kita selama ni(sebulan je pon kekeke). and then 30th June 2014, beli ubat dari kawan, bukan ubat pun tapi kinda a solution that u add to your water(drinking water) so that the pH value of the water jadi alkali which is good untuk pesakit diabetes(kencing manis), darah tinggi and gout. Nama solution tu HIMAX5 ALKALINE JUICE **terpromote plak haha okay so, beli 2 HIMAX5 satu untuk mak, satu untuk pakcik(adik mak) and then masa keluarkan duit nak bayar HIMAX5 tu dah keluarkan siap-siap duit untuk mak. masa balik tu, hujan lebat sangat, kena hujan sejuk nasib baik x puasa, menses okay bukan sesuka tak puasa. kesian dekat my brother sebab dia penat datang ambil dah la pagi sampai tengahari buat AKOK(AKOK mak kitew sedap!) lepas tu kena hujan. lebat sangat-sangat sampai dekat depan tu tak nampak apa-apa :( lepas siap buka puasa semua keluarkan duit yang ambil tadi. bagi dekat mak. bagi dengan cara paling cool macam ni "mak, ambil la" terus masuk bilik. maluu haha. then, keluar balik bagi ubat dekat mak sekali dengan pakcik punya. masuk bilik balik tu terus rasa macam nak nangis, serious. rasa macam terharu gila dapat bagi duit dekat mak, even sikit kalau nak di compare dengan apa yang mak dah bagi selama ni. actually sebelum ni before masuk **** i masuk UIA, asasi in biological sciences. but then i decided to dismiss myself because i memang tak suka physics gila. nangis punya nangis mak pun suruh bagi dismiss since kalau keluar kan kena bayar sebab masa asasi kan kita macam dapat scholarship or whatever people call it. when i dismissed myself from CFS UIA my mom like very sad, and disappointed with me that really break my heart. then i enroll to ****. bila dapat kerja rasa macam bangga dapat bagi duit dekat mak dengan DIPLOMA. tiba-tiba rasa macam tak ada feel nak tulis haha maybe sebab entry ni sambung tulis esoknya jadi tak ada feel. haha. next time la fikir nak update apa. till then, bye! <3

First Entry huh?
breath in, breath out.pheww~ okay. hi! :) assalamualaikum and ramadhan kareem! this is the first post for this blog. this is my second or maybe, third blog after a while. haha :D the previous blogs has been removed for some reason. of course one of the reason is i pick a fight with some one and we fight( using the blog as a medium) super childish me. and when i get tired with all the thing i decided to shut that blog away. i hope u guys enjoy even though basically i am blogging me environment. and last but not least forgive my english, super broken but who care, right? :P i want to write some thing else but since it is the first post i think that it is very inappropriate, rude to start a blog with tons of problem in ma life LOL. till then, bye!